1. Write a Java program to create a class called Person with private instance variables name, age. and country. Provide public getter and setter methods to access and modify these variables.
class Person{ private String name,country; private int age; //setter for name public void setName(String name){ this.name=name; } //getter for name public String getName(){ return name; } //setter for age public void setAge(int age){ this.age=age; } //getter for age public int getAge(){ return age; } //setter for country public void setCountry(String country){ this.country=country; } //getter for country public String getCountry(){ return country; } } public class Program { public static void main(String[] args) { Person p1=new Person(); p1.setName("Kailash Singh"); p1.setAge(20); p1.setCountry("India"); System.out.println("Name: "+p1.getName()); System.out.println("Age: "+p1.getAge()); System.out.println("Country: "+p1.getCountry()); } }