Structure of a C program

The structure of a C program typically follows a specific format that includes several essential components. Here’s an outline of the standard structure of a C program:

1. Documentation Section

  • This section includes comments that provide information about the program, the author, the date, and any other relevant information.
    * Program: Example Program
    * Author: Your Name
    * Date: YYYY-MM-DD
    * Description: This program demonstrates the structure of a C program.

2. Preprocessor Directives

  • Preprocessor directives are commands that instruct the compiler to preprocess the source code before actual compilation starts. They typically include header files and define constants.
   #include <stdio.h>
   #define PI 3.14159

3. Global Declarations

  • Global variables and function declarations (prototypes) are specified here. These are accessible throughout the program.
   int globalVar;
   void functionPrototype();

4. Main Function

  • The main function is the entry point of every C program. Execution starts from the main function.
int main() {
       // Local variable declarations
       int localVar;

       // Statements
       printf("Hello, World!\n");

       // Function calls

       return 0; // Indicating successful execution

5. Function Definitions

  • Additional functions that are called within the main function or other functions are defined here.
   void functionPrototype() {
       // Function body
       printf("This is a function.\n");

Complete Example

Here’s a complete example demonstrating the structure of a C program:

 * Program: Example Program
 * Author: Your Name
 * Date: YYYY-MM-DD
 * Description: This program demonstrates the structure of a C program.

#include <stdio.h>
#define PI 3.14159

// Global variable declaration
int globalVar = 10;

// Function prototype
void printMessage();

int main() {
    // Local variable declaration
    int localVar = 20;

    // Statements
    printf("Hello, World!\n");
    printf("Value of globalVar: %d\n", globalVar);
    printf("Value of localVar: %d\n", localVar);

    // Function call

    return 0; // Indicating successful execution

// Function definition
void printMessage() {
    printf("This is a function.\n");

Key Components Explained:

  1. Comments: Used for documentation and explaining code sections.
  2. Preprocessor Directives: #include for including standard or user-defined header files, #define for defining constants.
  3. Global Declarations: Variables and function prototypes accessible throughout the program.
  4. Main Function: The starting point of the program. Contains local variable declarations, executable statements, and function calls.
  5. Function Definitions: Implementation of functions declared earlier. They contain the code to be executed when the function is called.

Understanding this structure is crucial for writing clear, organized, and efficient C programs.

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